Advancement through investment in real estate
It is mainly the large institutional investors that invest their capital in gigantic real estate projects. But there are also plenty of opportunities for smaller investors with a more limited budget. “Those mid-segment investors are precisely the ones we want to reach with an online platform,” Gilles Vanderschueren told us. “Can Magelaan help us with that?”
We certainly did our best.

Creating a platform where estate agents announce their real estate offering to smaller private investors doesn’t happen overnight.
We started with strategic research, examining how the company could profile itself in the real estate investment market, with a focus on individuals and start-ups.
Once we had a clear view of that, the next important step was to find a name that would be both attractive and convincing.

The name needed to do more than make it clear what the platform was for. More than anything, it had to radiate confidence. After all, investing is all about finance. So we linked the word Invest to a derivative of advance, a word that refers to the progress people make by investing. The name Lavance Invest is rock solid.
Next, we developed the branding, the logo in the shape of an apartment, the warm colours, website design, electronic newsletters and so on.
We also conducted keyword research to ensure that the texts on the website focused on the right words so they would be found by the right target audience. SEO, in other words.